See through me: Importing photos from facebook

Hi guys! So, I've decided to import some of my "photography" shots from my facebook to here. I'm not an artist, because art never had any interest with me, i guess, but taking pictures of random things in my daily life is one of my pretty "hobby", and sharing it with you all is not just because I wanna share the photos, but I wanna share the memories I've had when i took those, and I wanna let you see the world, just as how I see it.

Photos below are the ones that I've made up an album with on my fb account.
Check it out. ;)

First batch of photos were taken at La Mesa Ecopark way back 2009, when we had our church's fellowship, and almost all of them are on a B&W effect. Why? Well, who doesn't love the black nd white effect in photography. I'm in awe whenever I see great photos in this effect, though this doesn't apply to all types of photography (hi cosplay photoshoot!).

And the next batch of photos were taken when we had our youth camp in Bataan way back 2010.
Sunrise at Mac Arthur Highway when we were on our way to Luzon Baptist Camp, and Mt. Samat (both in Bataan) photos when we were on our way back home to Bulacan. Look!

This is just the beginning, i still have lots of photos to share. I'll find time to post them all, very very soon, and I just can't wait for my upcoming project, which is also photography related thing.

I'm not an artist but I believe that I can learn, and so are you. 
Happy viewing, buddy! (^,^)v


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