What 2014 had for me.. 😂

2014 is almost over and 2015's about to take over.

This year, i could say, is one of the most colorful year i've had so far, career wise.

I started the year with a job at ************ (hehe! For security purposes) but only lasted up 'til March because of some reasons, that I think isn't fair enough. What I did with my attendance isn't fair as well, i know it, but they never accepted what my reason was. Well, that's how it was, so let it be.

I can still remember that time when my supervisor hugged me, and i was crying while i was on my way home, because i'm a jobless boo.

After a month of rest, came month of May. I applied at ********** and at first was interviewed for a sales account. I was there, i guess 2pm, and everything's done between 12-1am. The result was no good because i didn't pass the final interview with the operations manager for a sales account, but i didn't feel bad that time coz i may be a business type of person, but i know i'm not fit for a sales account. That was a long, tiring day of waiting and shaking, but i just told myself this "atleast i'm seated in a soft couch in a wide, airconditioned place while waiting", and it worked. I never felt burdened even if there's no good news that time. Plus, i saw a long  haired, thick browed guy, wearing a black leather like jacket. Argh! My heart is ugh! (Mehehe!)

After 1 day, that same company texted me because my application was endorsed to a different account and i'm scheduled for a final interview the the ops. I was like "hhhhhhhuuuuuuwwwwaaaaaaatttttttt?!?!?!" ..

During my final interview, i was so tensed (who wouldn't be?!). One best thing, the interviewer is such a nice lady, which helped a lot in reducing the pressure that me and my co-interviewees were feeling that time.

While the interview was ongoing, i again saw a lad walking outside the door, who looks neat and nice, and has a minimal resemblance to Enchong Dee.

And then, after an hour or two of the final, group interview, we were advised to wait at the lobby for the result. We're a group of 6, and after 30 minutes, the first 4 were called. I was soooooooo tensed because were now talking about the result. I was just relieved when my name was called and we were given the slip for a medical exam request. Me and ate Annie passed the interview. Weeeeeehhhhhh! It feels like heaven. Woooh! I just feel bad for the others who wasn't able to make it, especially to that someone, whose name i forgot, because of what his life story is. But i know God has a better plan for him.

After 2 weeks, my training started and i'm not a jobless boo anymore. Weeeehhh! The long haired, thick browed guy that i saw during my first application, he was my trainer. Just imagine how it was like for me. Hohoho! heaven!

We had fun at training, tho i've been reprimanded 3x for being late, but God helped me make it through, so i passed training and was endorsed to operation. I then saw the Enchong guy at the floor, and i just named him Dee, tho i know what his real name is. I know he already has a girlfriend, and i don't like having a crush on someone who's already in a relationship. I dunno why, but he's "the only exception". Haha!

I feel more than blessed, inspite of all the pressure and stress that i experienced, because God is providing all my needs, and now I even have some of the things that I want.

My soul sister told me "God won't give it all at once because if He does, you'll never know how to trust and have faith in Him. You won't see how powerful He is, and you might be comfortable enough not to go near Him anymore.." and she is absolutely right!

This job that i have right now, a God-given blessing, is the biggest blessing that I got from the Lord this year. Whatever I have right now, i owe everything to the Lord because if it's not because of Him, this "everything" wouldn't be possible.

It's now 12/29/14, 2 days more and it's gonna be 2015. We'll be facing another phase of our lives, another set of trials, another set of surprises, but whatever comes our way, may we never forget that God is always at our side, and He will never leave us, let's just learn how to fully trust Him, come what may!

Happy new year buddies, and let's do everything that we can, and the Lord will do what He can for us, so we could have a prosperous year. Words without deeds will be nothing. 😁


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